Somehow, We’ll Make It

Somehow, We’ll Make It

As I write this post, I’m sitting in a donut shop on a sunny day in our neighborhood. Acooling cup of coffee and an empty paper bag are situated on the table next to my iPad. I’ve already scarfed down the jelly donut that was in the bag (Saturday: a day off from...
A New Poem to Be Published

A New Poem to Be Published

Just a quick note with some good news; a new poem, “September 1, 2024” will be published in Judith Magazine next week. Many thanks to the editors for this poem, which I wrote in the early hours of the morning just two weeks ago. Stay tuned for a link when the poem is...
Navigating the World of Social Media (or not)

Navigating the World of Social Media (or not)

It’s a Tuesday in late August, and the leaves of a small maple tree outside our living room window are glowing in the early morning sun. This summer has felt long, yet over before it began; summers have a tendency to feel both ways at once. It’s difficult to know how...