If you’ve been enjoying the 100-word stories (“drabbles”) in my latest book, Soul to Soul: Tiny Stories of Hope and Resilience, you’ll probably enjoy my two new publications.

“Figure Worship,” a surprising (and perhaps amusing) take on the theme of “Alien Fetishes,” the title of a new print anthology from Hiraeth Books. You can purchase this fun little volume for just $2.99 at the press’ website, here.

Also, the beautifully designed Spring 2024 issue of Dribble Drabble Review includes my 100-word story “Past the Windows.” I am always so impressed at the gorgeous layout of this publication, which includes microfiction pieces from writers around the world. Check out the website (here) to download the free online issue. You’ll also want to download the free digital copy of their Award Book (the print version is stunning). Dribble Drabble Review publishes some really wonderful work, and I’m honored to be included in their pages. The last piece they published by me, “By the Sea,” won a Best Microfiction 2023 Award.
