Hello, friends and readers! This is just a note to share some good news: two of my new microfiction stories have been accepted by journals that publish wonderful work.

“Go, Girl” will be published by the innovative journal Bending Genres. The editors of this journal are talented, positive, caring individuals with an exceptional skill for spotting good writing. I’m honored by their acceptance. Check out the journal, and if you’re a writer–submit!

Yesterday I learned that another story, “Past the Windows,” will be published in The Dribble Drabble Review‘s spring issue. This “Home of Flash Fiction” is an award-winning publication that has gotten harder and harder to get into, so I couldn’t be more thrilled. They previously published my piece “By the Sea,” which won a “Best Microfiction of 2023” award, and they’ll be publishing a little video I made of that piece in their next issue, too.

Sometimes as I write these posts, I wonder if they sound as if I’m “blowing my own horn.” It’s something a lot of writers wrestle with–we’re tasked with spreading the word about our work so readers (and editors, and agents) can find it, but it feels awkward to “promote” ourselves. I wish I could afford a publicist to do all of this sort of thing for me, so I could stay out of it!

In the end, though, I think it’s important to share good news like this for a few reasons. First, I want to alert readers that they soon can check out a new piece, and that they should watch this space for those links when they’re available. I also want to support the journals whose editors work hard to create high-quality, interesting, often visually beautiful publications. Many of them do it as a labor of love, with very little financial reward (if any). Their journals deserve notice and readers.

Finally, there is the hope that such news will inspire other writers to keep submitting. Like many writers, I’ve experienced much more rejection than acceptance as I’ve traveled the long road writers follow to pursue a writing life. So, it’s important to celebrate the good moments, encourage others to go after their good moments, and keep spreading the word that the message(s) we hope to share with the world will be available for everyone to enjoy.

Writers (or anyone who pursues goals of any kind), remember: sometimes it’s hard to see the light at the end of the long, dark road (or covered bridge). But it’s there. Keep going!