Shaky Landing, but Soul to Soul is On the Way!

Shaky Landing, but Soul to Soul is On the Way!

Last Thursday night, my husband and I returned from a week-long trip to England and Iceland. The trip had been in the planning stages for a year; we’d be surprising a friend in England for her 50th birthday, spending two days with her lovely family, and then circling...
More Microfiction Publishing News

More Microfiction Publishing News

Hello, friends and readers! This is just a note to share some good news: two of my new microfiction stories have been accepted by journals that publish wonderful work. “Go, Girl” will be published by the innovative journal Bending Genres. The editors of...
No Need for Perfection In First Drafts, or Life

No Need for Perfection In First Drafts, or Life

There’s this thing about writing that I think also applies to a lot of things in life: striving for perfection can be stressful and self-defeating, and it can actually prevent any progress. Case in point: the first draft (of a short story, an essay, a...