Readers Love Soul to Soul!

Readers Love Soul to Soul!

Now that Soul to Soul: Tiny Stories of Hope and Resilience is landing in mailboxes around the country and world, the verdict is in! Readers are loving the book. Here are a few of the comments I’ve received: “I finished your book last night, and I wished there...
Soul to Soul Has Arrived!

Soul to Soul Has Arrived!

Soul to Soul: Tiny Stories of Hope and Resilience is now available, right on time for the holiday season! I wrote this book — a collection of one hundred 100-word stories — hoping readers of all ages would find moments of hope and inspiration in its pages....
Pondering Thanksgiving During Difficult Times

Pondering Thanksgiving During Difficult Times

These are strange times. The Merriam-Webster dictionary’s first definition of the word “strange” is: “different from what is usual, ordinary, or expected.” What is “usual, ordinary, or expected” differs widely from country to...
“The Art of Touch” is Now Available!

“The Art of Touch” is Now Available!

It’s November 1, the official launch date for The Art of Touch: A Collection of Prose and Poetry from the Pandemic and Beyond. In this book, which I co-edited with Joan Schweighardt and which includes one of my own personal essays, the unique voices of...
Light Above Darkness

Light Above Darkness

I took this photo recently, just with my phone, while I was walking at a nature reserve near our home. Only days later did its significance hit me — there is light not just after, but above the darkness. It’s been a difficult month for people around the...
Thank You

Thank You

Just a quick note of thanks to everyone who has been pre-ordering Soul to Soul: Tiny Stories of Hope and Resilience from Huntsville Independent Press. The book has been available for pre-order for 10 days, and I’m excited for those who eagerly ordered to start...
Shaky Landing, but Soul to Soul is On the Way!

Shaky Landing, but Soul to Soul is On the Way!

Last Thursday night, my husband and I returned from a week-long trip to England and Iceland. The trip had been in the planning stages for a year; we’d be surprising a friend in England for her 50th birthday, spending two days with her lovely family, and then circling...